Quality Management

The knowledge and expertise of professionals ensures consistency in the composition and physical appearance of our products, thereby maintaining high quality standards.

We follow stringent process parameters and specifications along with frequent communications with regulatory groups. This ensures efficient production and meets consumer expectations of performance and

Research & Development

Evalute and introduce new products to the market.
Our R&D department comprises

A dedicated panel of

DDL for evaluation of

3 biological farms with
99 pens facilities to evaluate
the feeds and additives

Disease and Diagnostic Laboratory

We perform chemical diagnosis by incorporating microscopic, microbiological, immunologic, and pathologic studies of secretions, discharges, steps taken to ensure high quality standards

  • Hygiene audit on regular intervals
  • ABST, HA – HI, ELISA, PCR tests
  • In-vivo and in-vitro vaccine efficacy
  • Evaluation of farm level products, i.e., water sanitizers, antibiotics, disinfection, etc.

Research Team

Challenges that the industry face during the production,
nutrition,and technology trends.

Quality Control Team

Plant and Research Team

Commercial Farms Team
